Thursday, May 26, 2011

didgeridoo (did-jer-ee-dew)

Made in the USA, our modern didgeridoos offer a bright and cavernous acoustic in the key of C# which is excellent to learn on. They're about four feet in length and two inches in diameter with an expertly shaped mouthpiece that's sanded smooth and sized to an opening of about 1.25 inches to fit your lips perfectly (no beeswax needed).
These are the highest quality modern didgeridoos available anywhere, hand crafted and hand painted here in California (no third world labor). They are perfect for a beginner of any age, and have become the most popular choice among buyers for use inSleep Apnea TherapyCustomers are blown away by the sound and looks of these top quality didgeridoos.
Hand crafted from a light in weight yet virtually indestructible polyresin. Rain, sun, or freezing temperatures are no worries, and the whole didgeridoo is crafted from a single tube so there's no smelly rubber mouthpiece or extra bits glued on.

Watch it here, it rules!

Check it out here!

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